The area sown under commercial or cash crops such as sugarcane, cotton, jute and mesta has increased from 18,214.19 thousand hectares in in agriculture year 2021-22 to 18,935.22 thousand hectares in agriculture year 2023-24, Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare Ram Nath Thakur told the Rajya Sabha on Friday.
The production of these cash crops has also increased from 4,80,692 thousand tonnes in agriculture year 2021-22 to 4,84,757 thousand tonnes in agriculture year 2023-24, the Minister said.
He further stated that according to the NITI Aayog Working Group Report, 2018, the demand and supply of foodgrains is projected to the tune of 337.01 million tonnes and 386.25 million tonnes, respectively, for the year 2032-2033, which indicates that the overall foodgrains position would be quite comfortable as far as food security is concerned.