Mumbai customs arrested two people for allegedly trying to smuggle gold worth Rs 1.25 crore, according to officials. "Mumbai Customs Seized Gold having Net weight of 1.725 Kg valued at Rs 1.25 crores across 02 cases. Said goods were found concealed inside the body cavity of passengers as well as recovered from Airport staff," read a statement from Mumbai customs.
According to customs officials, the Air Intelligence Unit (AIU) trailed a passenger arriving from Dubai in Mumbai and was departing to Bangkok. "In a significant operation at Mumbai Airport on the night of October 15, the Air Intelligence Unit (AIU) officers, acting on specific intelligence, discreetly trailed a transit passenger arriving from Dubai and departing to Bangkok.
The passenger, along with an airport staff member, was seen entering a washroom, raising suspicions," the statement added. The officials seized three pieces of 24 carat gold dust in wax form, around 1.725 kgs, provisionally valued at Rs 1.25 crores. The officials said that the pieces were concealed in the body cavity and in the undergarments of the passenger.