Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann conducted a grand roadshow in Ludhiana today, rallying support for Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidates contesting the municipal corporation elections. The roadshow witnessed massive public participation, with enthusiastic residents showering flower petals and warmly welcoming the CM.
Addressing the gathering, CM Mann shared his deep connection with Ludhiana, calling it his "karmabhoomi" (workplace). He reminisced about his early career, which began in the bustling markets of Ludhiana. “This market is not new to me. I used to frequent these streets when I was starting out. Ludhiana has given me so much love, and now it’s my responsibility to give back to this city,” said Mann.
AAP Punjab President Aman Arora, Working President Amansher Singh Sharry Kalsi, AAP ministers, Ludhiana MLAs and a large number of AAP office bearers also accompanied CM Mann during the roadshow.
Highlighting the significance of the municipal elections, CM Mann made a heartfelt appeal to voters: “Press the button with the broom (jharoo) symbol wherever you see it on the EVM. Elect representatives who will bring real development to Ludhiana.”